Fundusze Europejskie
Rzeczpospolita Polska
Narodowa Agencja Wymiany Akademickiej
Unia Europejska
Strona internetowa powstała w wyniku realizacji projektu pt. "Podniesienie jakości obsługi studentów zagranicznych potencjałem rozwoju DSW", współfinansowanego ze środków Europejskiego Funduszu Społecznego ramach Programu Operacyjnego Wiedza Edukacja Rozwój, na który Uniwersytet Dolnośląski DSW Wrocław otrzymał finansowanie z Narodowej Agencji Wymiany Akademickiej.
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DSW University of Lower Silesia in figures

years of activity of ULS

Our university is now 25 years old! Its history began in 1997

years of activity of ULS

Each year we educate more than 7,000 students

Doctors of Philosophy

Doctors of Philosophy

Doctors of Philosophy
category of scientific activity

The Committee for the Evaluation of Scientific Units (KEJN), as part of its evaluation of scientific activity, has awarded our university an A category. This means that we have the right to conduct studies preparing for the teaching profession.

category of scientific activity
research and development projects

The number of the research and development projects we have taken part so far.

research and development projects

Place for You

Professionalism and passion

The staff of the University of Lower Silesia consists of almost 200 academic, research and teaching staff. We participate in the life of the school, cooperate with business and educational centres and take an active part in scientific research.

Wide development opportunities

We are one of the few non-public universities in Poland educating professional teachers, special educators, psychologists, social workers, therapists, cultural animators and managers as well as researchers in the field of educational sciences.

We are making University of Lower Silesia together!

At university, you have many opportunities for development, places to study and people from whom you will learn interesting and inspiring stories.

Accreditations and partners

We have international accreditations. We work with many companies, thanks to which we constantly adapt the curriculum to the requirements of a given industry.